| 1. | The situation does not permit of any delay . 情势不容许任何的拖延。 |
| 2. | Now he stopped to take stock . 现在他才停下来衡量情势。 |
| 3. | Needs must when the devil drives . 情势所迫,只好如此。 |
| 4. | Skies looked blue for mrs. thatcher personally . 情势对于撒切尔夫人个人来讲是光明。 |
| 5. | The situation allows of no delay . 情势不容许延误。 |
| 6. | This made a difference in the young man's estimate of the position . 这么一来,那小伙子对当前情势的看法改变了。 |
| 7. | He preferred that things should go forward without much idea of consequences . 他情愿让情势自然的发展,不太去想什么后果不后果。 |
| 8. | Logic and tradition demanded that the man in the field should take complete responsibility for the matter . 依情势及惯例,由战场负责人对该事负完全责任。 |
| 9. | Life balanced out in strange ways, rhoda thought; the heady situation was making her philosophical . 罗达想,生活以奇特的方式取得了平衡。这个让人头晕目眩的情势正在使她变得达观起来。 |
| 10. | Four british divisions and the whole of the first french army were now dire peril of being cut off around lille . 四个英国师和整个法国第一集团军情势十分危急,在利尔附近有被切断之虞。 |