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English translation for "悉心照顾"

take good care of

Related Translations:
悉心:  devote all one's attention; take the utmost care 短语和例子悉心研究 devote oneself to the study of sth.; 悉心照料病人 take the utmost care of the patient
悉心研究:  devote oneself to the study of sth
悉心照料:  kcdl kbdl
悉心照料病人:  take the utmost care of the patient
安睡在你的悉心照料中:  i'll sleep in your clover
照顾:  1.(考虑到; 注意到) give consideration to; show consideration for; take account of; make allowance(s) for 短语和例子照顾多数 make allowance for the majority; think in terms of the majority; 照顾面子 be carefu
老人照顾:  senior care
照顾多数:  make allowance for the majority
照顾婴儿:  babysit
照顾病人:  care for the sick
Example Sentences:
1.It ended in mrs. norris's resolving to quit mansfield, and devote herself to her unfortunate maria .
2.She tended her husband lovingly during his illness
3.Wen lived happily with the consideration of zhe
4.Wen grows fat happily under zhe ' s good care
5.Careful - tending prevents my wife from collapse
6.We ' ll manage that with medication , watch hervery carefully
7.And now it ' s nothing but a stump but l still take care of it with my wife
8.And now it ' s nothing but a stump but l still take care of it with my wife
9.We will look after children , aged between 6 and 12 years , who are not travelling with an adult -
10." we extend our gratitude to ocean park for their intensive care of the turtles , " mr chan said
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