| 1. | I like her even though she can be annoying . 尽管她有时很恼人,但我还是喜欢她。 |
| 2. | There are many unpleasant things ! 一大堆恼人的事情! |
| 3. | The jury-room itself may and frequently does become a dull agony . 陪审团室本身就可能是,而且往往会变成一种恼人的苦痛。 |
| 4. | She thought about the whole worrisome affair with confused unhappiness for a few days . 她在心里盘算着这件恼人的事情,好几天为之心烦意乱,郁郁不乐。 |
| 5. | The fear of lightning is one of the most distressing infirmities a human being can be afflicted with . 对闪电的恐惧心理是一个人所能遭到的最恼人的毛病之一。 |
| 6. | To the peaceful night and its starlit magnificence succeeded the immutable day and the sun's ardent rays . 恼人的白昼和炙热的太阳代替了宁静的黑夜和美丽的星光。 |
| 7. | Paulsen had grown increasingly bitter of late about the frustrating delays in having plans approved . 波贝森看到批准计划过程中恼人的拖延,近来越来越感到气愤了。 |
| 8. | Here i was not only troubled by a cloud of stinging midges, but far more by the doubts of my mind . 我在这儿不但被那成群的小虫子刺得难受,最恼人的,却是我自己心头的疑惑不决。 |
| 9. | Stuant's wistful tranquility and almost saintlike aloofness were hard nuts to crack, even for sister agatha . 斯图阿特的恼人的平静和几乎象圣徒那样的孤独很难对付,即使阿加莎修女也不例外。 |
| 10. | Women of fifty have an irritating habit of treating as contemporaries all persons of their own sex who are over twenty-five . 上了50岁的女人有一种恼人的习惯,她们把所有年逾25岁的与自己同性别的人当作同辈看待。 |