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English translation for "恶汉"

[ èhàn ]

Related Translations:
恶男:  n01nndqv
好善恶恶:  love the good and hate (the) evil
恶脉:  superficial phlebitis
恶死:  unnatural death
恶味:  kakogeusia
五脏所恶:  aversion of the five iparenchymatous visceraaversion of the five parenchymatous viscerawhat the five viscera are adverse to
不恶食:  anorexia
喹恶磷:  bayrusildiethquinalphioneekaluxquinalphos
毒蛇恶蝎:  venomous snakes and scorpions
恶道众生:  sabbe vinipatika
Example Sentences:
1.The bad sleep well
2.You have sent metivier about his business because hes a frenchman and a scoundrel , but our ladies are crawling on their hands and knees after him
3.One day has a seven strangers come to town know and plan to kill the town chief in order to help mo . wah discovers the plot by chance and those ppl try to take over fushan . .
4.Youre a scoundrel and a blackguard ; and i dont know what prevents me from permitting myself the pleasure of braining you with this , see , said pierre , expressing himself so artificially , because he was speaking french
“您是个坏蛋和恶汉,我不知道是什么在控制住我,我可惜没有拿这样东西打破您的头, ”皮埃尔说,因为他说法国话,所以才用矫揉造作的语言骂人。
5.Says the doctor ; and when the ruffian had told him , with another oath , that this was so i have only one thing to say to you , sir , replies the doctor that if you keep on drinking rum , the world will soon be quit of a very dirty scoundrel
医生说道,而当那个恶汉用另外一声诅咒告诉他是这样时, “我只对你说一件事,先生, ”医生回答说, “这就是,如果你继续酗酒的话,这世上很快将减少一个肮脏无比的恶棍! ”
6.An unlikely alliance between a crippled and crooked lawyer robert taylor and a dancing showgirl cyd charisse , both of whom try to escape the power of a tyrannical mobster lee j . cobb , forms the basis for a flamboyant poem in delirious color and scope that is treated with a mixture of violence and lyricism that is unique to ray
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