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English translation for "恩怨分明"

kindness and hatred are clearly distinguished.; discriminate between love and hate

Related Translations:
恩怨:  1.(恩惠和仇恨) feeling of gratitude or resentment [enmity]2.(怨恨) resentment; grievance; old scores 短语和例子不计较个人恩怨 not allow oneself to be swayed by personal feelings; 我对他不抱个人恩怨。 i have no persona
孽海恩怨:  after math of evil
孤岛恩怨:  ebb and flow
烈火恩怨:  lie huo en yuan
人间恩怨:  feelings in the world
恩怨情天:  between love and hatredcalmanon des sourcesmonon of the springunforgiven
渔门恩怨:  the sea
恩怨在今宵:  love and hate
恩恩怨怨:  kindness and enmity
朱门恩怨奋战:  dallas: war of the ewings
Example Sentences:
1.It is perfectly clear who are our friends and who are our foes .
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