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English translation for "恣意破坏"


Related Translations:
恣意:  unscrupulous; reckless; unbridled; wilful 短语和例子恣意践踏别国领土 wilfully trample on the territory of other countries; 恣意掠夺别国的资源 indulge in unbridled plunder of the resources of other countries
恣意侵略:  wanton aggression
恣意歪曲:  distort wilfully
恣意地:  waywardly
恣意的:  arbitrarywayward
恣意践踏:  arrogantly to trample on sb
任性恣意:  indulge in emotions
恣意行乐:  give way to unrestrained fun [joy]; allow one to act freely in pleasure-seeking
恣意孤行:  act wilfully; do as one wishes without considering others; obstinate to have one's own way
恣意践踏别国领土:  wilfully trample on the territory of other countries
Example Sentences:
1.The damage to the painting is the work of vandals .
2.The damage to the painting is the work of vandals
3.The food firms , they say , have rushed to introduce their own , fuzzier guidelines first in a cynical attempt to undermine the government ' s plan ? which they fear might hurt their sales
4.In the process of tapping and using these enclosed lands , a series of aquatic disputes arises due to vicious factors such as fighting for more water supply , draining of flooded fields , scrambling for more areas and intended destroying lakes and rivers
5.The are various answers is restricted smoky . confirmed in law , it is also restricted to some degree . these dual characteristics are designed mainly to protect path panties " efforts and our legal relationship
Similar Words:
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