Winding along at the bottom of the gorge is a dangerously narrow wheel-road, occupying the bed of a former torrent . 蜿蜒伸延在谷底的是一条又窄又险的小车路,这原先是一条急湍的河床。
At the next instant, a youthful warrior passed between them, with a noiseless step, and seated himself on the bank of the rapid stream . 接着,一个年轻的战士脚步很轻地走过他们两人之间,在急湍的小河边坐了下来。
Looking into the distance , one takes in sight a green sea of extending mountains and valleys . there are 3 , 800 plants of 400 families in the region 这些溪流有的急湍而下,有的依山萦绕,有的却飞流成瀑,给壮丽的井冈山增添了无限风光。
In the one - million - odd - mu forest , pines , firs and bamboo , as well as medicinal herbs and flowers and grass of various kinds are full of life and motion 这些溪流有的急湍而下,有的依山萦绕,有的却飞流成瀑,给壮丽的井网山增添了无限风光。
The sea was very rough in the straits , full of eddies formed by the counter currents , and the chopping waves broke her course , whilst it became very difficult to stand on deck 海峡中的水流非常急湍,到处都是逆流造成的漩涡。唐卡德尔号走得非常吃力,急促的海浪阻碍旨它的前进。如今在甲板上,很难再站稳脚步。
Weather conditions deteriorated as both aircraft approached the rescue scene ; the crews experienced fierce turbulence , wind shear , driving rain and gale - force winds between 160 and 180 km an hour 两架飞机飞赴拯救现场时,天气情况变坏。机组人员遇到急湍气流风切变暴雨及时速一百六十至一百八十公里的烈风,形势险峻。
Using a " vortex intake " device , the underground drainage system has the dual benefit of relieving storm flow in downstream urban areas in districts such as western and kennedy town , and avoiding the difficulty of constructing or enlarging drains and culverts in urban areas and the resultant disruption to traffic that may ensue . the " vortex intake " project is a significant piece of hku s research achievements , and exemplifies the collaboration between academia , industry and government 漩涡进水口的水力工程,不单可以纾缓西区及坚尼地城一带于暴雨时,因大量急湍的水流往下冲而造成水浸及危险的问题,还避免了在市区兴建或扩建排水道及暗渠的工程;在闹市中进行此类工程十分困难及费时,并且一定会阻碍交通,带来不便。