[ sīqiánxiǎnghòu ] think back and forth to oneself; ideas revolved in one's mind.; ponder on the past and future; ponder over; think of the past and future; think over again and again
Example Sentences:
What sophia's reflections were upon this occasion i cannot pretend to determine . 素绯雅对于这事怎样思前想后,我却不得而知。
The decision was not easy , said mr wong 我内心挣扎良久,反覆地思前想后。
Don ' t stall or stress over whether you ' re doing the right thing 不要为自己的作为是否正确而思前想后、紧张不安。
His sadness was not untouched with bitterness as he thought it over 他思前想后,心里的悲凉之中并非没有糅合进了辛酸。
Aren ' t you ever just scared of breaking apart at the thought of it ? the enormity of it 思前想后,你不怕精神崩溃?那样的日子怎么过?
We cannot again the friend went down ! i think many times , i regard you as no longer friend , we should leave the friend concerns , because we had been amative relations 我们不能再朋友下去了!我思前想后,我不再把你当作朋友,我们应该告别朋友关系,因为我们已经是恋爱关系了
But i didn t do it straight off , but laid the paper down and set there thinking - thinking how good it was all this happened so , and how near i come to being lost and going to hell 不过我并没有马上就祈祷,而是把纸放好,坐在那里思前想后想到了这种种的一切终于能成如今这个样子,这有多么值得高兴啊,而我又怎样差点儿迷失路途,掉进地狱。