English translation for "忽视 "
[ hūshì ] ignore; look down upon; give a cold shoulder; overlook; neglect 短语和例子 不可忽视的力量 a force not to be ignored; a force to reckoned with; 渐被忽视 fall into neglect; 不应忽视困难。 we should not overlook the difficulties. 过去农业遭到严重忽视。 agriculture was awfully neglected in the past. 他们完全忽视了对这个问题的研究。 they totally overlooked the study of the subject.; 忽视者 ignorer; 忽视坐标法 ignoration of coordinates Related Translations:忽视规定 : overlook the provision
忽视的 : 21) negligentdisregardfulignorantslighting
忽视健康 : neglect of health is doctor's wealth
忽视精确 : disregard of accuracy
触觉忽视 : tactile inattention
选择性忽视 : selective inattention
Example Sentences: 1. The distinction probably has been slurred over . 这种区别大概就要被忽视 了。 2. We are not blind to the reality of disagreement . 我们不会忽视 意见不合的事实。 3. Was speaking entirely neglected at school ? 你们在上课时不是完全忽视 了口语训练? 4. This is a minor point , but it must not be overlooked . 此事虽小,然亦不可忽视 。 5. Take care that quantity does not oust quality . 注意不要一味追求数量而忽视 质量。 6. We should not overlook the difficulties . 不应忽视 困难。 7. They totally overlooked the study of the subject . 他们完全忽视 了对这个问题的研究。 8. The doctor does not blink at the hazards of this project . 医生并不忽视 这方案中的种种危险。 9. One ignores letters from the bank manager is at one 's peril .忽视 银行经理来函,后果堪虑。 10. We have winked at these irregularities too long . 对这种不守纪律的行为我们忽视 的时间过长了。
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