A uniform state ion chamber with double layers has been developed for distinct measurement in various n + y mixed fields in the fast neutron reactor . the cavity material is 6lif + 7lif . the inner wall material is 6lif and the outer wall material is 7lif 根据let效应因子的测量结果和快中子堆y谱、中子谱等基本资料,以及~ 6lif和~ 7lif对中子响应灵敏度有较大差异这一特点,研制了以~ 6lif + ~ 7lif为空腔、 ~ 6lif为外壁、 ~ 7lif为内壁的具有双层室壁结构的均匀固体电离室,并将其用于快中子脉冲堆n 、混合场区分测量,彻底剔除了热中子的干扰。