April the testimonies in the repentance sutra of liang wu ti 四月梁皇宝忏的见证
The repentance sutra of liang wu ti 梁皇宝忏
Repentance sutra of liang wu 梁皇宝忏
Ti , therefore here we will speak about these testimonies . the story is as the following 的因果论,故本期神的见证就为各位讲有关梁皇宝忏的见证。
Then , one day after a worship ceremony during her first year at the temple , she prayed and drew a lot to surmise buddha s arrangements for her 在这座寺院的第一年,她拜过忏后抽签,签上说她一定要留在这个寺院等法。
Disciple jui khin had compiled a 42 buddhas repentence ritual under my guidance . the 42 buddhas are the usual 35 buddhas for repentence and the 7 medicine guru buddhas 弟子惟钦在我的指导下已敬编出《四十二佛礼忏法》 。这四十二佛是一般礼忏的三十五佛及药师七佛。
The prayers of all good christians are entreated for these unfortunate men , that it may please god to awaken them to a sense of their guilt , and to grant them a hearty and sincere repentance for their crimes . 凡我信徒,务请为此二不幸之人祈祷,吁求上帝唤醒彼等之灵魂,使自知其罪孽,并使彼等真心诚意忏罪悔过。 ”
The occasion is therefore called " bathing - buddha festival " . during the festival , alms are given to monks and rites are held to remember the dead - giving alms to " starving souls " and burning paperboats - which are believed to be a way of releasing souls from purgatory 每逢此节,九华山寺院僧侣及信徒供佛拜忏自恣,还举行拜“梁皇忏”拜“地藏忏” ,超度祖先和十方饿鬼。
The priests in the temple poured the rice out as usual like a mountain , and one of priest showed the rice to my mother : the surface of the rice emerged the imprints of lotus flowers and hands , indicating that buddhas and the ghosts were here to join this ceremony 当天是梁皇宝忏水陆大法会的最后一天,庙里准备非常丰盛的祭品来献给仙佛,并超渡袍先及水陆的孤魂野鬼,其中庙里的师父照往常将米倒出来堆积如山,结果师父指著米堆给妈妈看。
This paper explains the quarrel about tian - tai teaching , the challenge between teaching and chanfa , and the unity of teaching and practice , which suggests that the establishment of tian - tai orthodox is not only the result of the argument about teaching , but concerns with the standard of tian - tai school , that is , the principle of the unity of teaching and practice 本文主要从义学之辩、义学与忏法之争、教行统一三个方面,揭示出天台宗正统的确立不仅仅是义学之争的结果,还与天台宗人认可的宗门标准“教行统一”这一宗旨紧密相关。