| 1. | It passed and he was left with troubled joy, and echo of rapture . 它转眼就消失了,剩下的只是几分不安的喜悦,一丝心醉神迷的回味。 |
| 2. | But it passed and he was left with troubled joy, and echo of rapture . 可是它转眼就消失了,剩下的只是几分不安的喜悦,一丝心醉神迷的回味。 |
| 3. | To his own wonder, will brangwen found himself in an electric state of passion . 威尔布兰文发觉自己正处在令人心醉神迷的热恋之中,他自己也感到惊讶。 |
| 4. | My dear doctor, mr. craddock is so matter of fact--the moon will never arouse him to poetic ecstasies . 我亲爱的医生,克雷杜克先生是非常讲求实际的月亮决不会把他引向富有诗意的心醉神迷的境地。 |
| 5. | For you are my key to ecstacy , and my bridge to happiness 因为只有你,才能让我心醉神迷,才能给我幸福欣喜。 |
| 6. | You ' re the first maiden i ' ve met who hasn ' t swooned at the sight of me 你是我见到的第一位遇见我却没有心醉神迷的少女 |
| 7. | You ' re the first maiden i ' ve met who hasn ' t swooned at the sight of me 你是我见到的第一位遇见我却没有心醉神迷的少女 |
| 8. | The young girls swoon when they see their favorite pop singer 年青的姑娘们看到她们最喜欢的流行歌星时一个个都心醉神迷。 |
| 9. | The silk ' s elegance and palace ' s mightiness amaze the guests 丝绸的华丽与典雅,宫廷的大气与尊贵,令与会的嘉宾心醉神迷。 |
| 10. | There are delicious , happy sniffs and scrumptious snacks to share 有着妙不可言,令人心醉神迷的香气,以及美味无比的点心与你分享。 |