His anxiety resulted from his rootless feeling , his ehoice of values and meaninglessness that was caused by his historical recycling view 而其无意义焦虑的根源在于周作人一贯的历史循环论。
The important art means have been the samsara of historical atmosphere , the circulation of tasting tropism , the evolution of configuration forms 而历史氛围的轮回性,审美取向的循环论,结构形态的进化论又是其重要的艺术手段。
A comprehensive survey of the development of the 20th centure female literature reveals the fact that female narrative , which reaches its climax in the 80 ' s and 90 ' s , all follows the cycle theory mechanism of idea , desire and existence , but with different stresses on different stages 摘要女性?事在20世纪八九十年代达到顶峰,而综观20世纪女性文学的发展,其?事无不是遵循著理念原欲存在的循环论机制,只是在各个不同的阶段有不同的侧重点而已。
It starts from pursuit of a life experience and cultural stand ( idea ) , goes through body narrative with blood for ink presence of desire ) , attempts of overthrow the actual living existence ( inquiry of historical existence ) and finally returns to idea of life / culture 这种循环论的?事方式,从追寻一种生命体验和文化立场(理念)出发,经过以血代墨的躯体?事(原欲的呈现) ,企图颠覆现实的生存状态(叩问历史存在) ,最后又回归生命文化的理念层面。
In recent years , many scholars all were regard the chinese philosophy by one kind of western philosophy manner , regarding the yin - yang school was so , if " five morals circulates said " , some scholars one - sided called it " historicism " ; but the author thought the yin - yang school has its own unique philosophy value 摘要近年来,不少学者都是以一种西方哲学的态度来看持中国哲学,对于阴阳家更是如此,如“五德终始说” ,有的学者片面的称之为“历史循环论” ;但笔者认为阴阳家则具有其自身特有的哲学价值。