The indefatigable walters was in his element . 精力充沛的沃尔特斯真是得其所哉。
It was very pleasant to see how things lazily adapted themselves to purposes . 有些事情慢慢发展,终于得其所哉,看了真叫痛快。
And you ' ve got a job , 你也会得其所哉的
Afterwards , i found a centrally located family - run hotel at " eight corners " for only 100 rmb per night . i was really happy 后来我找到一家在八角街的藏民旅馆,叫达夏家庭旅馆。就在市中心区,才一百人民币一天。真是得其所哉。
But as soon as a general european war becomes inevitable , at the given moment , he is in his place , and bringing the european peoples together he leads them to the goal 但一旦需要进行欧洲的全面战争,这个人就显露头角,得其所哉,他就能把欧洲各国联合起来,领导他们奔向目的地。