The art or process of drawing with pastels 蜡笔绘法,彩色粉笔画法用彩色粉笔绘画的工艺或过程
He ' s asked at the stores for colored chalk and the dandy 他还在商店里要了彩色粉笔打扮得也像个花花公子
She works in ( ie uses ) pastels 她用彩色粉笔作画
You can also hand color b & w copies with colored pencils or oil paints before making the transfer , or try a transfer from an oil pastel or crayon drawing 在转移之前你也可以用彩笔或者油画笔手绘彩色/黑白复印,或者直接从彩色蜡笔画或者彩色粉笔画转移。
Surveilance video captures a man angrliy boarding a school bus in florida . witnesses say the man was upset because several children on the bus threw crayons at his car . students say the man had a gun 监视器捕获到一男子生气的上了一辆校车?目击者称该男子心情不好是因为几个在校车上的孩子向他的车扔彩色粉笔?学生们则称该男子携有手枪。
It was like the paintings that man used to do on the pavement with all the coloured chalks and such a pity too leaving them there to be all blotted out , the evening and the clouds coming out and the bailey light on howth and to hear the music like that and the perfume of those incense they burned in the church like a kind of waft 那景色宛如画匠用彩色粉笔在马路上做的画。多么可惜,那一幅幅的画就全留在那儿等人给抹掉。暮色渐深,云雾弥漫,霍斯岬角的贝利灯台的光,乐声萦回耳际。