| 1. | On woman ' s imagery in traditional decoration range 传统装饰文脉中的女性形象研究 |
| 2. | Reflecfions on ethnic female media dissemination images 少数民族女性传播形象研究 |
| 3. | Summarize on the study results of tourism appreceiving image 旅游感知形象研究综述 |
| 4. | Review of studies on sun li ' s female characters 孙犁小说女性形象研究述评 |
| 5. | Emphasis and neglects : female postgraduates ' images in mass media 媒体中的女研究生形象研究 |
| 6. | A brief discussion on the character of fan yi 蘩漪形象研究七十年综述 |
| 7. | The ideal parents characteristics for contemporary chinese adolescent 青少年心目中的理想父母形象研究 |
| 8. | A research on the images of teachers in the eyes of middle school students 中学生心目中的教师形象研究 |
| 9. | An investigation on the image of peasant in the heart of urban primary school children 城市小学生心目中的农民形象研究 |
| 10. | Research into the image of the survivors of the ming dynasty in early qing dynasty legendary novels 明末清初传奇小说中的遗民形象研究 |