| 1. | Xingyi boxing and the traditional chinese philosophy 形意拳与中国传统哲学 |
| 2. | Complete the left empty stance by resting your left foot n its heel , but without shifting any weight onto it 悟出了太极拳所以然之理与形意拳、八卦拳之理同一不二。 |
| 3. | Xingyi five - element boxing also called xingyi mother boxing is the most basic fist technique in the series of xingyi quan 五行拳是形意拳系中最基本的拳法也称之为形意母拳。 |
| 4. | Look at your right hand to 11 oclock . 3 . turn your body slightly to the left , raise your left foot and step forward 从而将形意拳之实中、八卦拳之变中自然融蓄在孙氏太极拳之空化之中。 |
| 5. | Look at your right hand to 9 oclock . 12 . bring your left hand level with your ear and turn to the right 又引入形意拳三层呼吸之道理,不刻意追求呼吸,以自然呼吸开始,式正气从,以致真息。 |
| 6. | Demonstrated and explained by di guoyong , national first - level wushu judge , president of the xingyi quan research committee of beijing wushu association 演示讲解:邸国勇,国家一级武术裁判员,北京武协形意拳研究会会长。 |
| 7. | As you turn raise your left hand to nose level , palm facing right , elbow slightly bent . circle your right hand opposite your left elbow , palm facing left 通过向郝桢先生学习太极拳理法,孙剑云先父验证出形意拳、八卦拳与太极拳实乃一理相通。 |
| 8. | In the evolution of the form and will boxing , it has been historically divided into three separate yet related styles ( genres ) : the shan xi , he nan and he bei schools 在形意拳发展的历程中,逐步形成了三种独立又相对关联的拳派:山西、河南以及河北。 |
| 9. | As your hands move , raise your right foot and step back as before , this tie shifting your weight to the right foot . 14 . bring your left hand level with your ar 6 、以形意拳三体式为整套拳式技术之基础,要求重心上下无起伏,始终在一个水平面上运动,培育机体一触即发之本能。 |
| 10. | Turn slightly to the left , and raise your right hand forward until it is level with your right temple , palm facing in . your left hand lowers until it stops , palm down , in front of your left hip 因此在孙剑云先父禄堂公跟郭云深修习形意拳的后期,他已开始试图运用《易经》来研究拳与道合之理。 |