| 1. | Subjectivity and objectivity - two features of law value 法的形式正义与司法程序公正 |
| 2. | Part iv discloses the practical meaning of the studies on legal formal and essential justice 第四部分,研究法的形式正义与实质正义在当今中国的现实意义。 |
| 3. | Rawls classified the justice into the substantive justice , the formal justice , and the procedural justice 罗尔斯把正义分为实质正义、形式正义和程序正义。 |
| 4. | And it is only the legal formal justice that is able to provide a tolerant society dependent on objective standards of haman behavious (四)法治必然要求法的形式正义优先。 (五)法的形式正义保证了社会价值的多元存在。 |
| 5. | Hereby , the thesis includes four parts : part i focus on the discuss of the legal formal justice and essential justice in daily life 本文主体由以下几个部分组成:第一部分,法的形式正义与实质正义的冲突在现实生活中的表现。 |
| 6. | It efforts to answer the problem of local resources of law produced by su li , from the point of view of the conflict between legal formal and essential justice (一)从法的形式正义与实质正义的冲突与解决的理论出发对苏力的“本土资源”问题作出回答。 |
| 7. | Conseque ntly , they make their great efforts to enforce the adversary systems and procedural justice in order to make the modern judicial power play an important part in their society 它们的改革更加重视加强对抗制度和保障形式正义,重视为公众提供更为平易的便于进入的民事司法。 |
| 8. | In west history general speech there was justice which distributed duty to people in ancient society and there is justice which distribute rights to people in modern times 在西方社会,大体而言,古代正义以责任分配为主,表现为实质正义,而近现代正义以权利分配为主,表现为形式正义。 |
| 9. | Part ii introduces two theories , both of which focus on legal essential and formal justice : john raul ' theory embeded in his famous book , a theory of justice , and max weber ' s nelevant theory 第二部分,介绍两位曾集中论述过法的形式正义和实质正义的学者的理论。 (一)马克斯?韦伯的相关理论。 |
| 10. | And through theoritical discussion , the thesis wants to discover the " true " meaning of the rule of law for the publics , and estbilish a proper conception of law as proper phycdogical base (二)通过对法的形式正义的理论探讨,告之民众一个真实的法治之下的法的面貌,从而树立正确的法律观念,为法治建设奠定良好的心理基础。 |