Do you want the buyers receipts and the pawn tickets 您要不要看看买主的收据和当铺的当票? ”
When the bills were presented , the bank was closed , and i was very much at a stand 当票据出来时,银行下班了,我不知如何是好。
All people had to do was come and bring their ticket and get their possessions back free of charge 所有人只需手持当票,就可以取回典当了的物件。
I showed the pawn - tickets , the receipts given me by people to whom i had sold items i could not pawn ; i told your father that i had decided to get rid of my furniture to pay my debts , and that i was determined to live with you without being a drain on your purse . i told him how happy we were 我拿出当票来给他看,有些我不能典当的东西我卖掉了,我把买主的收条给他看,我还告诉您父亲,为了跟您同居而又不要成为您一个过重的负担,我已经决定变卖我的家具来还债。
It is the first time for our negotiable instrument law to cite this concept , which is a breakthrough to the tradition but also shows the weakness in the research system of the negotiable instrument consideration of our business law theorists . this dissertation has made systematic research regarding the negotiable instrument consideration system , and issued some personal ideas and opinions ; since this dissertation is based on many kinds of professional articles , literatures and thorough thought of the author , it will be helpful for the research regarding the negotiable instrument consideration . the first part concerns the general understanding of negotiable instruments consideration , setting up a basic theoretical skeleton on negotiable instruments consideration 但是由于英美法系与大陆法系在法律传统、法律理念上存在冲突,票据对价这一英美法上的概念,在采大陆法立法例的我国《票据法》中的适用,必然会产生“水土不服”的现象;而纵观我国票据法,关于票据对价的规定只有寥寥几条,我国的票据对价也没有十分完备的合同对价理论为基础,当票据对价出现了用现有法规和理论无法解决的难题时,在我国法律体系中无法找到可以比照的理论,以形成有效的解决方案,使票据对价无法充分发挥其制度功能。