[ zhāngkǒu ] open mouth; rictus 短语和例子 张口便说 talk carelessly; talk out of place; 张口便咬 open mouth and bite; 张口就骂, 举手就打 (of a person) disposed to abuse, and even lay hands on the people at the slightest provocation
张口咋舌: one stuck out one's tongue (and said no more).; cluck one's tongue in surprise [regret; fear]; with mouth wide open and tongue protruding (with amazement)
张口凝视: stare with open mouth 短语和例子外宾们站着不动约莫有十来分钟之久, 张口凝视着这个世界奇迹 -- 长城。 for more than ten minutes our foreign guests remained standing still gaping at this wonder of the world -- the great wall
My aunt is full of copy-book axioms . 我的姑妈张口就是字贴上的格言。
As celia was about to reply, he silenced her with a gesture . 西莉亚刚要张口,他做了个手势止住她。
And yet you dare open your mouth, and look these men in the faces . 你还敢张口说话,敢正视这些人!
He gaped and yawned . 他张口打呵欠。
The congressman cut in quick before johnny could open his mouth . 众议员不等约翰尼张口说话,赶紧插嘴。
You may place a man anywhere in london the moment he opens his mouth . 你一听人张口就可以断定他是伦敦哪一区的人。
We remained for three or four minutes stationary amid the crowded throng of gaping persians . 我们在那些拥挤的,张口呆看的波斯人群中,停留了三、四分钟。
Several times mr. dalton made as if to say something, then checked himself, as though uncertain . 有好几次道尔顿先生张口象要说话,随即控制自己,仿佛拿不定主意。
Unless you really knew somebody, you had to guard against everybody, speaking carefully and unambiguously or not at all . 除非你真的了解某人,否则你就得提防周围的人,说话小心些,模棱两可些,或者根本就不要张口。
George rood, conscious that he need not exhibit a brilliancy which was almost a byword, opened his mouth only to put food into it . 乔治娄德知道他的妙语惊人已经尽人皆知,用不着再施展才华,因此每次张口只不过是往嘴里添送菜肴。