快事: a happening that gives great satisfaction or pleasure; delightful event; a happy event; sth. satisfactory and delightful; delight 短语和例子生平一大快事 one of the most delightful experiences in one'
快人快事: a fast job done by a straightforword person; a heroic deed performed by a straightforward man
生平一大快事: one of the most delightful experiences in one's life
引: Ⅰ动词1.(牵引; 拉) draw; stretch 短语和例子引弓 draw a bow2.(引导) lead; guide 短语和例子引路 lead the way; 他把我引进会客室。he ushered me into the reception room. 一条沟把溪水引到田间。a ditch diverted water from the stream into