Its content may be different from the ideologies of the last century , but its means are similar : intolerance , murder , terror , enslavement , and repression 其内容或许有别于上世纪那些意识形态,但其方式是类似的:不容异说、谋杀、恐怖活动、奴役与压迫。
They say that religious wars , fanaticism and intolerance spring from dogmatic beliefs that particular gods and faiths are unique , rather than facets of universal brain chemistry 他们说宗教信仰战争,盲信和不容异说从特别的上帝和信仰是独特的、胜过普遍的脑化学的多面教条信心中触发。
Whatever the numbers , however , victims of these hunts are perceived as martyrs by wiccans today , with the lessons of intolerance , misogyny and religious terror clearly noted 然而无论什么数字,这些狩猎的受害人被今天的巫术崇拜者认为是殉教者,带有明显的不容异说教训,厌恶女人和宗教性恐怖印记。
" in this difficult period where intolerance , racism , xenophobia , anti - semitism and fanaticism are again manifesting themselves , it is essential for cinema to help us recall the horror of the unspeakable . “在这个不容异说、种族歧视、仇外主义、反犹太主义、宗教狂热再一次交织呈现的艰难时期,用电影帮助我们回忆无法形容的恐惧是重要的。 ”
" hanshu note " made a remarkable achievement at the field of collating , xungu and textual criticism . yanshigu absorb the senior " fruit extensively , chose , judged and concurrently makes own purpose 《汉书注》在训诂、校勘及考证等方面取得了较大的成就,颜师古广泛吸收前人成果,抉择按断,兼下已意,而对于无法下确定结论的,便多存异说,为之兼容并存。