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English translation for "延期偿付"

stretching the payable
transfer moratorium

Related Translations:
象征性偿付:  token payments
申请延期:  application for extensionapplicaton for adjournment
延期举行:  a rain checksp
延期索:  delay cord
延期回扣:  defer red rebatedeferred rebates
延期结果:  postponed result
延期信用证:  extended creditextended letter of credit
审判延期:  adjournment of hearingadjournment of trialampliationes
延期装船:  delay in shipmentdelay shipment
延期缝合:  delayed suture
Example Sentences:
1.A moratorium or reparations payments emerged soon after the bank began operations .
2.The us held back from backing a moratorium it would consult the affected countries before deciding what action to take
3.Either party initiates or consents to proceedings relating to itself under any applicable bankruptcy , reorganization or insolvency law or makes any agreement for the deferral , rescheduling or other readjustment of all of ( or all of a particular type of ) its f debts ( or of any party which it will or might otherwise be unable to pay whom due ) , proposes or makes a general assignment or and arrangement or composition with or for the benefit of the relevant creditors in respect of any such debts or a moratorium is agreed or declared in respect of or affection all or any party of ( or of a particular type of ) its debts
Similar Words:
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