| 1. | On establishment of an honest and clean government culture 对廉政文化建设的思考 |
| 2. | Icac commissioner meets citizens face - to - face 廉政专员出席茶叙与市民直接沟通。 |
| 3. | Youth education crucial to clean society 04 03 培育青年诚信廉政薪火相传04 03 |
| 4. | Executive director , new south wales icac , australia 澳洲新南威尔斯廉政公署署长 |
| 5. | About an honest administration and its values 廉政文化建设的基本内涵与价值初探 |
| 6. | Icac regional office new territories north west 廉政公署新界西北办事处地址:新界 |
| 7. | Icac enquiries later revealed that was not true 其后经廉政公署查证并无其事。 |
| 8. | Icac regional office new territories south west 廉政公署新界西南办事处地址:新界 |
| 9. | The icac is not daunted by the challenge 面对这些新挑战,廉政公署不会退缩。 |
| 10. | The head of operations is also the deputy commissioner 执行处首长兼任副廉政专员。 |