Cass will follow the university s usual operating hours after the implementation of 5dw 在五天工作周实施后,庶务组会跟随大学所订定之新办公时间办公。
Advance booking has to be made with the secretariat for cho yiu hall and cass for the conference room on g f of uab 部门须在开会前向秘书处申请租用祖尧堂或向庶务组申请借用行政楼地下会议室。
Her duties include cleaning classrooms , receiving visitors and taking young mentally handicapped school children to the toilet 庶务助理,负责课室清洁,接待访客及照顾年幼智障学童如厕等工作。
For bookings that are confirmed , cass will provide services for the meetings to be held in these conference rooms on saturday mornings 申请一经确认,庶务组在星期六上午仍会在会议期间提供服务。
Similar to existing practice , services provided beyond usual operating hours will be charged to cover the overtime payment for the cass staff 按现行安排,有关部门需支付庶务组同事超时工作的费用。
Research , development and evaluation , legal system , instruments , affixation of official seals , treasurer , procurement , property and general affairs 掌理研考法制文书印信出纳采购财产及庶务事项。
Will cass provide services for meetings to be held in cho yiu hall and in the conference room on g f of uab on saturday mornings 庶务组在星期六上午仍会在祖尧堂及行政楼地下会议室进行会议期间提供服务吗?
Management of all buildings and related facilities , environmental cleanliness , document filing , purchasing , general affairs , teller , public relations , r d , evaluation , and any affairs not governed by other sections 关于建筑物及各项设备管理,环境清洁维护文书采购庶务出纳公关研考及其他不属于各组室事项。
These meeting rooms are self - serviced venues . bookings for saturday mornings can be made with cass in advance . users shall collect the door password or door key from cass one day in advance and return the key on the following monday 这些会议室属自助形式,部门如欲在星期六上午借用,可预先向庶务组申请,并于开会前一天向庶务组索取开门的密码或钥匙,于下星期一交回钥匙。