temple attendant in charge of incense and religious service
Example Sentences:
It examines the ritual roles , contractual rights and duties , and patterns of recruitment and succession among employed zhuchi and miaozhu 本文检视这些住持及庙祝在仪式中的角色、合约上的权利义务、以及继任方式。
Zhuchi and miaozhu idioms , embedded in a legal and contractual framework , were part of a china - wide repertoire of temple management , put to use in different ways in each local system and each individual temple community 这种具有法律和契约性质的住持与庙祝行业,不仅传承了中国庙宇的管理经验,且能因地制宜调整其经营模式。
Among the temples that could afford to hire a temple manager , some temple leaders chose not to hire anyone ; others chose to employ a cleric ( taoist or buddhist ) , called zhuchi , while yet others chose to employ a lay manager , called miaozhu 有些庙宇主事人员选择不雇用任何人,有的则可选择雇用具神职身份(僧人或道士)的专家作为住持,或是不具神职身份的庙祝。
Up in the new territories , and well removed from the city on a hillside above sha tin , the ten thousand buddhas monastery stands at the top of a steep flight of steps enjoying panoramic views over the town and up to the surrounding mountains 有百年历史的文武庙经过修葺后焕然一新,供奉著文昌帝和关帝圣君。它是昔日大埔新墟的中心,正殿两旁的楼房就是当年趁墟人士度宿之处,也是墟中议事之所,文武庙的庙祝也住在这里。