| 1. | We have removed the sheets from the farmhouse beds , and sleep between blankets 我们已经把庄主院床上的被褥全撤掉了,而睡在毯子里。 |
| 2. | " you have heard then , comrades , " he said , " that we pigs now sleep in the beds of the farmhouse “那么,同志们,你们已经听到我们猪现在睡到庄主院床上的事了? |
| 3. | The animals reassured him on this point immediately , and no more was said about the pigs sleeping in the farmhouse beds 在这一点上,动物们立刻就使他消除了疑虑,也不再说什么有关猪睡在庄主院床上的事了。 |
| 4. | At that moment there came into sight two women and a man in a white hat running from the princes house towards the officers 就在这时,通往庄主宅院的路上出现了两个女人和一个戴白帽子的人,他们向军官面前走来。 |
| 5. | Bendigo hill station owner john perriam told reporters that shrek had managed to evade capture for six years by hiding in a cave 新西兰南岛的班迪哥避暑山庄的庄主约翰?佩里亚姆告诉记者说,史莱克为了躲避追捕,在岩洞里躲藏了6年之久。 |
| 6. | Bendigo hill station owner john perriam told reporters that shrek had managed to evade capture for six years by hiding in a cave 新西兰南岛的班迪哥避暑山庄的庄主约翰佩里亚姆告诉记者说,史莱克为了躲避追捕,在岩洞里躲藏了6年之久。 |
| 7. | Not like the wild young men now - a - days , who think of nothing but themselves . there is not one of his tenants or servants but what will give him a good name “他是个开明的庄主,又是个最好的主人”她说, “他不象目前一般撒野的青年,一心只为自己打算。 |
| 8. | The master vintner urged us to come again during the grape harvest between july and december and enjoy a stroll ? 逛 along rows of purple and green - colored vines and green tunnels formed by their roots 庄主大力推荐,若是在7到12月葡萄的采收季节前来,游客可以欣赏绿油油的葡萄园,还可以漫步于由一串串结实? ?的紫色与淡绿色葡萄纠结的葡萄须根点缀形成的绿色隧道中。 |
| 9. | As a brother , a landlord , a master , she considered how many people s happiness were in his guardianship ! - how much of pleasure or pain it was in his power to bestow ! - how much of good or evil must be done by him 她认为他无论是作为一个兄长,一个庄主,一个家主,都一手操纵着多少人的幸福他能够给人家多少快乐,又能够给人家多少痛苦他可以行多少善,又可以作多少恶。 |
| 10. | Lam dai hong was the eldest son of ding ka chuang , but was kicked out of the ding family due to his mother s adultery . lam is now a military officer and returns to his hometown to take revenge from his father . . 长大后,他以盟军司令身份重回故地,他自恃人强势壮,强抢丁家庄主职位及财产,更逼死庄主父子,夺其弟妻及杀其子,幸得乡民舍身报主,以保存丁家骨肉,留待将来大报血海深仇 |