| 1. | The young bird learns the right song and stores it in its memory . 幼鸟学习自己同类鸟的歌,并把它存储在脑子里。 |
| 2. | The subsong of young birds is comparable to the babbling that human infants do before they learn to speak . 幼鸟的这种雏声,和婴儿哑哑学语的情况相似。 |
| 3. | There the birds nest and bring up their young 鸟在那里筑巢,养育他们的幼鸟。 |
| 4. | This bird was part of a pair that was raising two chicks 当时这头琵鹭正与它的伴侣养育两头幼鸟。 |
| 5. | Little runt , you kill baby birds and then you come play around the temple 小矮子,你杀幼鸟还在寺院周边玩耍 |
| 6. | The shells became so thin that they shattered before the babies hatched 因为外壳太薄,卵在幼鸟孵出之前就破碎了。 |
| 7. | The bird at mai po is a juvenile but so far there have been no sightings of any adults 是次在米埔发现的白鹤属幼鸟,暂时未发现白鹤成鸟的影踪。 |
| 8. | Baby owls with newborn feather can leave the nest in short while to join predatory world 尚是嫩毛裹身的幼鸟,经过不久就可离巢独立,奔向弱肉强食的世界。 |
| 9. | All eleven birds are juveniles and no more than 1 - year old , accounting for their youthful and energetic behaviour 它们朝气蓬勃且精力旺盛,估计都是不超过一岁的幼鸟。 |
| 10. | He heard the rushing wings of the seagulls , as they came to feed their young who cried from the rocks below 当海鸥衔来食物喂岩石下号叫的幼鸟时,普罗米修斯倾听着它们拍翅的声音。 |