| 1. | On week days the street was very lively . 平日,这条街上总是熙熙攘攘的。 |
| 2. | She came early as was usual with her . 她像平日那样来得很早。 |
| 3. | An apartment is so easy to keep . 公寓房间,平日照管也便当。 |
| 4. | Mr. slope's civility had been more than ordinarily greasy . 斯洛普先生的礼仪比平日更为谄媚。 |
| 5. | The next morning he breakfasted alone, as usual . 第二天早晨,他象平日一样独自一人吃了早饭。 |
| 6. | His performance did not really come up to his usual high standard . 他没有真正表现出平日的高水平来。 |
| 7. | Thanks to abstemious habits, he had not grown fat and flabby . 多亏了平日饮食有节,这张脸并没有变得痴肥。 |
| 8. | His normally placid dog turned on him and bit him in the leg . 他那条狗平日很温顺,这次突然发作咬了他的腿。 |
| 9. | I shall always love you; but my need is no greater now, than at another time . 我永远爱你,目前是这样,平日也是这样。 |
| 10. | He had recourse to the usual means of gaining time for such cases made and provided . 他采用了平日专为应付这种局面的缓兵之计。 |