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English translation for "平安保险公司"

ping an insurance company
ping'an insurance company

Related Translations:
老少平安:  steamed mashed tofu patty
平安座:  frithstool
平安歌:  song of safety
平安在家:  under one's vine and fig tree
平安道:  pyongan
平安公益:  welfare
平安无恙:  safe and sound
平安保险:  ping an insurance
平安城:  ping'ancheng
平安康泰:  peaceful and well-being
Example Sentences:
1.Pondering the theory reflect on the safe insurance company business culture
2.You can ask to restful insurance company or life - insurance company
3.I prefer a policy of bonus - for - thousand - happiness of ping an insurance company
4.A : i prefer a policy of bonus - for - thousand - happiness of ping an insurance company
5.In this paper , a systematic study on bancassurance model of ping ' an insurance corporation of china is drawn
6.Ceibs will assist domestic students to purchase china ping an medical insurance which covers clinic and emergency
7.Ceibs will assist domestic students to purchase china ping an medical insurance which covers clinic and emergency
8.The system allows the management in the headquarter office monitoring and controlling all local systems using administration server
9.Secondly , i will analyse the marketing tactics of life insurance in china applying the theory of combinative marketing tactics
10.Pingan insurance company of china is the first insurance joint - stock company . it is also the first one which has the foreign shares
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