| 1. | This paper analyzed the current - sharing stability used in highest current method 该方法同样适用于平均电流法均流技术。 |
| 2. | The visualization of representative day ( root mean square current , average current and equivalence resistance algorithms ) and allot load according to transform capacity method are realized 实现了代表日方法(包括均方根电流法、平均电流法和等值电阻法等算法)和按配变容量比例分配负荷的方法的可视化。 |
| 3. | To make the test process feasible , compile program are carefully generated to let them be able to execute repeatedly by the microprocessor , and the average current consumed by at89c51 is then measured with a simple current meter 测试时,我们让微处理器重复执行选定的测试程序,用普通的万用数字电流表测量微处理器消耗的平均电流。 |
| 4. | Static ir drop analysis is based on the average current of the devices . according to different ways of current extraction , static ir drop analysis can be categorized into two major types : area based ir drop analysis and activity based ir drop analysis 静态irdrop分析是以器件的平均电流为基础的,根据器件电流提取方式的不同又可分为基于面积的irdrop分析和基于活动率的irdrop分析两种。 |
| 5. | Many control methods are explored , including average current control , peak current control , hysteretic control , nonlinear carrier control , etc . all of these control methods had been implemented by the analog circuits 许多控制策略运用于pfc电路中,如平均电流控制、峰值电流控制、滞环控制等。现今已发展出许多pfc模拟电路专用的控制芯片,如应用于平均电流控制策略的uc3854 3855和ml4824等。 |
| 6. | Further more , this thesis presents an improved distribution loss calculation method with few labors of data collection increased , which eliminates the traditional methods " assumptive preconditions . thus , the correctness and practicability is improved 提出用改进平均电流法计算配电网线损,该方法在不增加数据收集工作量的前提下去除传统假定条件,实现配电网线损计算,提高了准确度,增强了实用性。 |
| 7. | The thesis also analyzes the average current type of pfc , and gives a design of the former pfc circuit of 1100w switching - power . the key practical techniques of the design are discussed . the experiments have been completed and satisfied results are obtained 论文还研究了平均电流型pfc电路,并设计了1100w开关电源前级的功率因数校正电路,分析了其中实用关键技术,完成了实验研究,获得了满意的试验结果。 |
| 8. | Based on the summary of the fruits of the research of the active power factor correction , the pfc system , which adopts cuk power converter circuit and average current mode control scheme , is well studied in this thesis 本文在总结有关有源功率因数校正研究成果的基础上,针对目前研究的热点及其发展方向,对单相有源功率因数校正技术作了较为深入的探讨,并提出了将升压型平均电流控制的功率因数校正思想用于cuk型电路拓扑。 |
| 9. | The obtained results indicate that the concentrations of reactants in the catalyst layers in front of t he current collectors are very low , that reduce the utility of catalyst ; the current density at the edges of the channels is many times greater than the mean current density 计算了电池内反应物浓度的分布、电流密度分布、甲醇窜流以及电压-电流特性曲线等。结果表明:集流板前的催化层内反应物浓度非常低;流道边缘附近电流密度比平均电流密度大许多倍。 |
| 10. | The general transfer functions of pwm converter are developed and the small - signal transfer functions controlled by the duty cycle are given using matlab . the voltage adjuster and the current regulator of the control circuit are designed . the isolated cuk converter is analyzed and the features and the description of the uc3854 are presented in detail 论文分析了带隔离变压器的cuk变换电路,介绍了平均电流型功率因数校正芯片uc3854的结构、功能;根据uc3854的具体特点与要求,以设计一个具体、实用的带pfc功能的开关电源为例,设计、计算了主电路电感l1 、 l2 、 c1 、 c2 、隔离变压器以及电压、电流调节器电路的参数及要求。 |