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English translation for "干涉政策"

interventionist policy

Related Translations:
干涉:  1.(过问或制止, 多指不该管硬要管) interfere; intervene; meddle 短语和例子互不干涉内政 noninterference in each other's internal affairs; 外来干涉 external interference; 武装干涉 armed intervention; 因他常来干涉, 我叫他少管闲事。 as he w
三干涉:  triple intervention
啮合干涉:  meshing interference
负干涉:  negative inteferencenegative interference
干涉主权:  to offend to other country’s sovereighty
部分干涉:  partial coherent
外部干涉:  external interference
薄膜干涉:  film interference
干涉图形:  conoscope imageinterference figureinterference pattern
干涉仪光学:  interferometer optics
Example Sentences:
1.For its own national interests , and with regards to its global strategy , the united states has different attitudes to the separatist movements in different countries , thus it has different foreign policies respectively , which reflects the pragmatism and opportunism principle of the us " foreign policy
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