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English translation for "干戈"

[ gāngē ] 
weapons of war; arms; war 短语和例子

Related Translations:
干戈扰攘:  in the tumult of a raging war
诉诸干戈:  resort to arms
红粉干戈:  love and war
兴干戈:  start war
干戈玉帛:  broken bow
豆寇干戈:  young and furious
载戢干戈:  store up weapons; stop fighting
马尼干戈:  maniganggo
干戈入库偃武修文:  the sword sleeps in the scabbard
龙虎干戈:  vera cruz
Example Sentences:
1.They "traded" violently with greeks, and so brought sword and flame upon themselves .
2.This emphasis was necessary in order to urge the people to take up arms on behalf of a nationality whose existence they themselves had hardly recognized .
3.I now know that wars do not end wars
4.Page 48 : the clatter of armor and clanking of metal could be heard
5.When the warriors came out first from their master ' s hall , where had they hid their power ? where were their armour and their arms
6.Next to the age of silver came that of brass , more savage of temper and readier for the strife of arms , yet not altogether wicked
7.Next to the age of silver came that fo brass , more savage of temper and readier for the strife of arms , yet not altogether wicked
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