Determination of berberine and palmatine in shuangbai - yantongning spray and cortex phellodendri by hplc 高效液相色谱法测定双柏炎痛宁喷雾液及黄柏药材中盐酸小檗碱和巴马汀含量
Potentiating effect of l - tetrahydropalmatine on the suppression of cortical tooth - pulp evoked potentials by electroacupuncture in rabbits 左旋四氢巴马汀加强电针对兔大脑皮层牙髓诱发电位的抑制作用
The 308 rc z concept car is powered by a 1 . 6 litre thp engine derived from the ep6dts unit developed by psa peugeot citro & euml ; n and the bmw group 308钢筋混凝土的z概念车搭载一台1 . 6公升引擎巴马汀来自ep6dts股开发由标致雪铁龙集团和宝马集团