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English translation for "已恢复的"

refreshed in mind or body

Related Translations:
恢复脑力:  restore mental power
误差恢复:  error recovery
恢复器:  restitutorrestorerretriever
恢复性能:  restorability
恢复活动:  reactivatereturn of motion
恢复经济:  recover the economyrehabilitate the economy
压缩恢复:  compressive recovery
恢复操作:  redo
激波恢复:  shock recovery
恢复图形:  oops
Example Sentences:
1.Displays the path to the recovered file
2.The name of the recovered file
3.The metadata of a reverted database is the same as the metadata at the time of snapshot creation
4.Its ex - felons have not had every right restored by mr crist and the clemency board
5.Optionally , back up the reverted database , especially if it uses the full or bulk - logged recovery model
6.The reverted database retains the permissions and configuration such as database owner and recovery model of the database snapshot
已恢复的数据库将保留数据库快照的权限和配置(例如,数据库所有者和恢复模式) 。
7.The revert operation then rebuilds the log therefore , you cannot later roll forward a reverted database to the point of user error
然后,恢复操作重新生成日志(因此,以后无法将已恢复的数据库前滚到用户错误点) 。
8.The scientists and researchers said in their letter that an isolated population of 500 to 600 bears does not constitute a biologically recovered one
9.When you make a secondary database available , you should ensure that its metadata is consistent with the metadata of the original primary database . for more information , see
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