Conceived plan of traction calculation of the fast track traffic engineering train from tianjin downtown to binhai new developed area 天津市区至滨海新区快速轨道交通工程列车牵引计算分析
The part of important items we finished as below : 1 the whole citys taxi rfid management system of guangzhou shanghai haerbin and jinan . 2 the scada oil information system of xiangfan in hubei province . 3 the electronic admission ticket of zhaoqing scenic spot in canton 公司目前完成的重大项目有:上海广州哈尔滨济南全市出租车rfid管理信息系统,襄樊市scada油气信息化系统,肇庆市风景区电子年票系统,江苏云南宁夏等省人大远距离会议签到系统,上海地铁8号线1期工程列车定位识别系统等。