China has one umbrella labor union , but waves of strikes 中国有统一的工会组织,但出现一波波工潮。
The 28 - day strike participated by a total of 11 , 000 workers from various utilities came to an end on 12 september 是次参与工潮的全港职工,约有一万一千人。
The strike ended on 12 september . workers of the waterworks office in general received a pay rise of 50 per cent 工潮于9月12日结束,工人普遍获加薪百分之五十。
Over at yung hwa , with zhang s departure , the company had lost its soul . it was further plagued by budgetary problems and a labour dispute 另一方面,永华既让张善琨这个灵魂人物走掉,经济上又不稳定,其后更因劳资纠纷发生了一次工潮,不少影人不得不另谋出路。
" our expanded network in asia , coupled with increased service through more than 100 additional asian flights during the west coast dock disruption , contributed substantially 关键在于ups不断扩张亚洲业务版图,加上在美国西岸码头工潮期间,我们透过逾百班额外的亚洲航班来增加服务。
Moreover , there were problems in regulating supplies and demands in daily necessities , especially cotton products , which eventually became the major target of the floating speculation capital 抗战胜利后,复工的停滞及物资不足引起了物价上涨、工潮等严重的社会问题,尤其是棉制品等日用必需品,供需矛盾突出,成为游资的主要投机对象。