The peaks rise steeply into the clouds 高耸入云的山峰峭立在云端。
Day set on norham s castled steep , 残阳照着诺汉那城堡峭立的陡壁,
The backside of buddhism guanyin top was cliff , looks stern and forbidding 山后悬崖峭立,凛然不可侵犯。
Towering peaks , vast forests , clear streams and deep valleys make up a wonderland - wuling yuan 峭立的岩峰苍茫的林海秀丽的山溪幽深的洞壑. .
Visit yosemite national park in the afternoon . have a stroll in the woods or sit by a stream . let sky - high giant woods , mountains and streams , glacier , and waterfalls soothe your mind 午后游览优胜美地国家公园,巨木参天,高山流水,万年不化的冰河,峭立如屏的巨岩,瀑布如玉带般从天而降。