For as the gaucasus force came to a halt in the wild mountain passes despite all his savage urging . 这时候,尽管他严令催促,高加索集团军还是停顿在荒无人烟的山隘里面。
Next step was to ascend the last pass of the day - - a match for the first pass in terms of length and incline 下一步就是越过今天最后一个山隘? ?在长度和坡度上可与第一个相比。
He looked up the pass and down the hollow ; his glance wandered away with the stream , and returned to traverse the unclouded heaven which coloured it : he removed his hat , let the breeze stir his hair and kiss his brow 他抬头仰望山隘,又低头俯视空谷。他的目光随着溪流飘移,随后又回过来扫过给溪流上了彩的明净的天空。他脱去帽子,让微风吹动头发,吻他的额头。