a landscape of mountains and lakes or rivers; the beauty of the rivers and mountains
Example Sentences:
Streets and alleys in suzhou extend side by side with canals 苏州的山光水色,争妍斗奇。
L meadow around you ; alternatively , you can also take a 2 . 5 - hour white water rafting adventure optional 或参加急流泛舟欣赏山光水色。下午乘阿拉斯加火车前往费尔班克。
These shows are regular features of the high season , or they can be arranged , along with riverboats for an evening s entertainment afloat 漓江景色之奇还在山光水色之变化,在清晨,在中午,在黄昏,各有其姿,变化万千。
These shows are regular features of the high season , or they can be arranged , along with riverboats for an evening s entertainment afloat 漓江景色之奇还在山光水色之变化,在清晨,在中午,在黄昏,各有其姿,变化万千。
Lake jinlong , located in jinlong town , presents you a 20 , 000 sq . meters limpid water surrounded by grotesque peaks and trees 金龙湖位于广西龙州县金龙镇,湖泊面积约2万平方米,湖区水体洁净,奇峰竞秀,植被丰富,山光水色,令人陶醉。
With a comprehensive range of business facilities , it is a perfect for dinner , accommodation , entertainment , shopping and business 本酒店设有总统套房,标准间商务房等各类客房近200间套,客房整洁舒适,可眺望四周的山光水色街区景象。
The delicate and graceful scene filled with green mountains , beautiful water and wild lives will make it an ideal place for boating , fishing and hunting 风光秀丽,山光水色,令人陶醉,游人可泛舟观光,享垂钓之乐,亦可寻山野之乐趣。
In shatin where you will meet faculty and students from 45 countries and regions outside hong kongtruly a global community in miniature epitomizing our belief in education without borders ,欣赏个中的山光水色,并与来自全球四十多个国家和地区的师生切磋交流,亲身体验教育无疆界的实况。