[ jièqī ] when the day comes; on the appointed date
Example Sentences:
If chunghwa post fails to pay fines levied in accordance with this act within the given time limit , it shall be subject to compulsory enforcement by law 依本法所处之罚锾,经限期缴纳,届期不缴纳者,依法移送强制执行。
Article 41 violation of article 7 hereof shall be subject to a fine of nt $ 20 , 000 to nt $ 100 , 000 with orders to cease and desist within a given time limit ; failure to comply by the deadline may result in successive fines 第41条违反第七条规定者,处新台币二万元以上十万元以下罚锾,并令其限期改善;届期不改善者,得按次连续处罚。
I / we agree to duly accept upon notice or presentation and pay or pay at maturity of the drafts drawn under this letter of credit if the drafts and / or related documents appear in the discretion of yourselves or your agents to be correct on their face 关于本信用状下之汇票及/或有关单据等如经贵行或贵行之代理行认为在表面上尚属无讹,申请人一经贵行通知或提示汇票时,应即赎单及付款或届期照付。
The pledge right of intellectual property , also called pledge right of chose in action , refers to the debtor of the third party use the transferable intellectual property as the security of debt according to the laws , and establish pledge . when the debtor cannot fulfill obligation on time , the creditor can sell on discount or by auction the intellectual property and has the priority to receive compensation 知识产权质权,亦称无体财产质权,是指债务人或者第三人依法将其可以转让的知识产权作为债务的担保,设定质押,于债务人届期不履行债务时,债权人得依法折价或拍卖、变卖该知识产权,并以其价款优先受偿的权利。
Article 17 upon expiration of a collective agreement arid before the conclusion of a new collective agreement , the provisions of the original collective agreement concerning labor conditions shall continue to constitute part of the labor contract between the parties to the expired agreement until otherwise provided by a 1abor contract 第17条团体协约已届期满,新团体协约尚未订立时,于劳动契约另为约定前,原团体协约关于劳动条件之规定,仍继续为该团体协约关系人之劳动契约之内容。
Where the loan is still unpaid off upon expiration , or although it is before the stipulated payable expiration , the financial statement and credit circumstance of the borrower and surety go badly , thereby affecting the security of the creditor ' s right of this bank and making it obviously difficult to recover the loan upon due date , such loan is called “ nonperforming loan ” (一)各种放款已届期未清偿或尚未届满约定清偿期限,但借保户之财务状况及信用情形发生不良变化,致本行债权已失安全性,如期收回显有困难,此种放款即视为不良放款。
The authority - in - charge shall assist and guide the licensees who have obtained the hot spring water right or mining right prior to the enforcement of this act to renew their permits within the given time limit as required ; the authority - in - charge may replace or cancel the permits if the hot spring right holders fail to renew 本法施行前已依规定取得温泉用途之水权或矿业权者,主管机关应辅导于一定期限内办理水权或矿业权之换证;届期仍未换证者,水权或矿业权之主管机关得变更或废止之。