| 1. | In islam , jesus ( known as isa ) , is considered one of god ' s most - beloved and important prophets 在伊斯兰教,耶稣(被称作尔撒) ,被认为是神的一位至爱和重要的先知。 |
| 2. | Talmud nedarim 32b ; genesis rabbah 46 : 7 ; genesis rabbah 56 : 10 ; leviticus rabbah 25 : 6 ; numbers rabbah 4 : 8 . ) rabbi isaac the babylonian said that melchizedek was born circumcised 巴比伦的拉比尔撒说麦基冼德天生就已经受割礼的。 |
| 3. | Coulthard was convicted of burgling churches in 2003 , and used lock picks and surgical scissors hidden in an empty camera case he used to disguise himself as a tourist 这名嫌疑人正是库尔撒德。在审讯中,库尔撒德对警方指控的犯罪事实供认不讳。 |
| 4. | A man and his hund . in the film , hitler teaches his alsatian blondi to give the " sieg heil " greeting and dresses it in an ss uniform 这是一个男人和他的猎狗!影片中,希特勒教他的“阿尔撒蒂安?布隆迪”做出德国法西斯式的“胜利”手势,并给它穿上纳粹党卫军的制服。 |
| 5. | A man and his hund . in the film , hitler teaches his alsatian blondi to give the " sieg heil " greeting and dresses it in an ss uniform 这是一个男人和他的猎狗!影片中,希特勒教他的宠物狗“阿尔撒蒂安?布隆迪”做出德国法西斯式的“胜利”手势,并给它穿上纳粹党卫军的制服。 |
| 6. | The modern english language descends from anglo - saxon german and norman french . if you want to hear what english ' s anglo - saxon parent sounded like 1400 years ago , listen to grendel in this movie 现代英语源于盎格尔撒克逊及诺曼时期。如果你想听听1400年前盎格尔撒克逊英语,那就享受贝奥武夫这部电影吧。 |
| 7. | Coulthard had broken into more than 500 places of worship across the country . seconds after the appeal was issued , a builder who had signed up to the service told police the 43 - year - old was near a church in santon downham 据英国卫报3月30日报道,被英国萨福克郡警方擒获的这名窃贼名叫克里斯托弗库尔撒德,现年43岁。 |
| 8. | The charges involved st mary the virgin church in santon downham , suffolk , the roman catholic church in weeting , norfolk , st michael ' s church in brimfield , shropshire and holy trinity church in southwell , nottinghamshire 接报后,警方迅速出动并将该嫌疑人抓获。这名嫌疑人正是库尔撒德。在审讯中,库尔撒德对警方指控的犯罪事实供认不讳。 |
| 9. | Andrea bargnani is making some progress in toronto alongside the underrated jorge garbajosa , morrison and utah ' s paul millsap have had their moments and jordan farmar has unexpectedly claimed a rotation spot with the lakers , but it ' s not really a race yet 安德烈巴格纳尼在多伦多和被低估的约根加巴约撒一起进步,莫里森和犹他的保罗米尔撒普已经有他们的出场时间,乔丹法玛在湖人队有出乎意料的替补角色,但这都不是一场角逐。 |