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English translation for "小青"

name of a person, xiaoqing, from madam white snake

Related Translations:
:  Ⅰ形容词1.(蓝色或绿色) blue or green 短语和例子青椒 green pepper; 青山绿水 green hills and blue waters; 青天 blue sky2.(黑色) black : 青布 black cloth; 青牛 black ox3.(年轻) young (people) 短语和例子青工 young workersⅡ名词1.(青草
Example Sentences:
1.Small green chilli in brine
2.The highlight at those times , is the chance of seeing rare birds such as the spoon - billed sandpiper , spotted greenshank , asiatic dowitcher and grey - tailed tattler
3.The diamondback moth , with common names including small green worm , two - headed worm and " the hanging man " , is a pest often plagues crucifer crops across china
小菜蛾俗称小青虫、两头虫、 “吊死鬼”等,在全国各地普遍发生,是为害十字花科蔬菜的重要害虫。
4.Some 300 species of birds have been observed in this area , many of which are considered globally threatened and endangered , such as the black - faced spoonbill , oriental stork , nordmann s greenshank and saunders gull
5.Cheng xiaoqing ' s location on chinese detective novels , based on the strain between the practical novel writing anti the criteria of criticism , helps further study anti understand the chinese detective novels
6.Harada j , aoyagi m , suzuki t , et al . a study on the phase spectral analysis of middle latency response and 40 - hz event - related potential in central nervous system disorders j . acta otolaryngol ( stockh ) 1994 , suppl 511 : 34
吕建忠,唐小青,彭世春,等.听性脑干反应相位谱分析客观诊断中高频听力损失j .耳鼻咽喉-头颈外科, 1997 , 4 : 131
7.The reducing sugar content in the phloem and xylem of populus pseudo - simonii , p . pseudo - simonii p . nigra , p . simonii p . nigra , p . koreana , 27 and 40 - year - old p . simonii wood was analyzed by 3 , 5 - dinitrosalicylic acid colorimetry
摘要利用3 , 5 -二硝基水杨酸比色法测定小青杨、小青黑杨、小黑杨、香杨、 27年生和40年生小叶杨韧皮部和木质部的还原糖含量。
8.In his exposition on the gentler theme of the chinese detective novels originating from the orthodox confucian culture anti connected with the later theme craze of the problem novel , cheng xiaoqing reveals the connection between the chinese detective novels anti the orthodox literature
摘要程小青有关中国侦探小说“性别题材”的论述,上承儒家正统文化的性别观,下接“问题小说”的“题材热” ,揭示了中国侦探小说与正统文学之间存在着的相互贯通关系。
9.The mai po is an area where migrating birds rest after long and difficult journeys . spring and autumn are the best seasons for bird watching as some 20 , 000 to 30 , 000 shorebirds , including species such as the threatened spoon - billed sandpiper , spotted greenshank and asiatic dowitcher , stop over in deep bay during migration
10.A little green worm came crawling over a dewy leaf , lifting two - thirds of his body into the air from time to time and " sniffing around , " then proceeding again - for he was measuring , tom said ; and when the worm approached him , of its own accord , he sat as still as a stone , with his hopes rising and falling , by turns , as the creature still came toward him or seemed inclined to go elsewhere ; and when at last it considered a painful moment with its curved body in the air and then came decisively down upon tom s leg and began a journey over him , his whole heart was glad - for that meant that he was going to have a new suit of clothes - without the shadow of a doubt a gaudy piratical uniform
一条小青虫从一片带露的叶子上爬过来,不时地把大半截身子翘在空中,四处“嗅一嗅” ,接着又向前爬汤姆说它是在打探。这条小虫自动爬近他身边时,他像一块石头一样凝然不动,满心希望它能爬得再近些。那条小虫一会儿继续向他爬过来,一会儿又好像改变了主意,打算往别处去。
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