I ain ' t gon ' say nothin ' ' cause that ' s gina ' s sister - in - law 我不胡乱评价是因为她是吉娜的小姑子
Sister - in - law , this is nonsense 小姑子,这都是废话
I have known him a long while , do you see ; and masha , your sister - in - law , i love “你要明白,我老早就认识他,我也喜欢你的小姑子玛申卡。
Sisters - in - law are said to be mischief - makers , but she well , she wouldnt hurt a fly 小姑子是好争吵的妇女,可是这个小姑子连苍蝇也不会欺侮。
And do you know , marie , i am going to love him very much , said liza , looking at her sister - in - law with shining , happy eyes 玛丽,你要晓得,我是很爱他的, ”丽莎说,她用那闪闪发光的幸福的眼睛望着小姑子。
Anna pavlovna had managed to have a few words with liza about the match she was planning between anatole and the sister - in - law of the little princess 安娜帕夫洛夫娜已经和丽莎商谈过她想要给阿纳托利和矮小的公爵夫人的小姑子说媒的事情。