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English translation for "小人国"


Related Translations:
小人:  1.(人格卑鄙的人) a base person; villain; vile character2.[旧时用语] (地位低的人) a person of low position
市井小人:  a mean fellow of the marketplace; philistine; gigmanity
打小人:  villain hitting
小人得势:  the tail wags the dog.; it is a case of unscrupulous elements coming into power
碌碌小人:  a rough and mean fellow -- a paltry man
黄土小人:  kinnehen
小人大:  kotoo
小人参:  glabrousleaf asiabell root
小人得志:  a small man intoxicated by success; a small man having greatness thrust upon him; it is a case of scoundrel realizing his ambition.; villains holding sway
小人面包:  kiddy bread
Example Sentences:
1.Several other little-known worlds are tucked into corners of this lilliputian state .
2." little people . " that ' s what they like
3.1 . tour is including tickets window of the world splendid china and lunch
4.Yes . uh , right . little people
5.Besides , everyone else is piling their plates high enough to make kuala lumpur ' s twin towers look like dwarf city
6.Yet lilliputian windmills , water mills , solar panels and biomass furnaces could have a big collective impact
7.Proceed by motorcoach to the miniture park and see thailand s best known scenic spots and historical attractions , together in one small scale model
8.He and the mender of roads sat on the heap of stones looking silently at one another , with the hail driving in between them like a pigmy charge of bayonets , until the sky began to clear over the village
9.I considered it a narrative of facts , and discovered in it a vein of interest deeper than what i found in fairy tales : for as to the elves , having sought them in vain among fox - glove leaves and bells , under mushrooms and beneath the ground - ivy mantling old wall - nooks , i had at length made up my mind to the sad truth , that they were all gone out of england to some savage country where the woods were wilder and thicker , and the population more scant ; whereas , lilliput and brobdingnag being , in my creed , solid parts of the earth s surface , i doubted not that i might one day , by taking a long voyage , see with my own eyes the little fields , houses , and trees , the diminutive people , the tiny cows , sheep , and birds of the one realm ; and the corn - fields , forest - high , the mighty mastiffs , the monster cats , the tower - like men and women , of the other
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