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English translation for "寻址机制"

addressing mechanism

Related Translations:
应用程序寻址:  application program addressing
隐含寻址:  implied addressing
寻址功率:  addressing power
扩展寻址:  addressing extendedextended addressing
表寻址:  table addressing
记忆寻址:  memory addressing
寻址电压:  addressing voltage
局部寻址:  local addressing
寻址结构:  addressing structure
微程序寻址:  microprogram addressing
Example Sentences:
1.Based on ipv6 , a new architecture for mobile computers is proposed . the concept of the mobile internet is introduced . the proposed scheme , which differentiates global mobility management from local mobility management dynamically , differentiates idle host from active host , significantly reduces the signaling load and power consuming
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