Having received his food , the visually - impaired victim is taken home by a friend 盲胞领完粮食,由友人牵引回家
The copper cash was used in the small business , the silver was used in the big transaction . when the people paid grain tax and paid taxes , they matched the silver with the copper cash 有清一代,主要实行银铜平行复本位的货币制度,小额交易用铜钱,大额交易用银支付;完粮纳税,银钱搭配。
In the period of the war of resistance against japanese ( 1937 - 1945 ) , the shanxi - chahaer - hebei border area government set up a system of the agricultural tax paid in grain to save the nation , including the imposition principle of unified progression , the stockpiling method storing grain among the people , and the way drawing again by ticket only 摘要抗日战争时期,晋察冀边区政府为适应敌后游击战争的特殊需要,创设了一整套不同于传统完粮纳税形式的救国公粮制度,它包括统一累进的征收原则、藏粮于民的储存办法、凭票领粮的支取方式。
The content of the family and clan regulations include : strictly punish the offence against obedience and affection 、 the bandit and thief 、 the gambling and drink actions 、 the raping and offensing ethics actions ; regulate that the marriage conditions depend on the parents and matchmaker and the same clan members should not be married 、 limit " marry into and live with the bride ' s family " 、 prohibit “ the transferring marriage ” ; provide the inheritance principle of “ ying inheritance prefer to ai inheritance ” and the inheritance system of " all sons take a part " ; emphasize the relative who buy property should be preferential and pay more attention to the public property ' s operation and accumulation and to the clan relief ; require the clan members to farm and read , to pay taxes ; prohibit its members choose bad occupations and bring an action 确立了“父母之命” 、 “媒妁之言”的婚姻成立条件和“同姓不婚” 、限制“招赘婚” 、禁止“转房婚” ;确立了“应继” 、 “爱继”的立继原则和“诸子均分”的财产继承制度。强调族人私产买卖的“亲族先买权” ,重视宗族公产的经营积累和宗族救济。要求族人重耕读,及时完粮纳课;禁择业不良,擅兴词讼等。