| 1. | The unsc will continue accepting and hearing a case of this item . 安理会继续受理这项议题。 |
| 2. | The unsc will continue accepting and hearing a case of this subject . 安理会继续受理这项议题。 |
| 3. | He gave a flat assurance that they would introduce no resolution in the security council . 他直截了当地保证他们不会在安理会提出任何决议案。 |
| 4. | A security council meeting was likely to generate rhetoric that put us on the defensive . 安理会如果开会,很可能会引出使我们处于守势的讲话。 |
| 5. | The news was conveyed immediately to the argentine government and circulated to the security council . 消息被立即送达阿根廷政府并通报给安理会。 |
| 6. | At any moment the soviet union might rush its cease-fire resolution into the security council . 任何时候,苏联人都可能在安理会匆匆提出他们的停火决议。 |
| 7. | When a dispute leads to fighting, the council's first concern is to bring this to an end as soon as possible . 在争端导致战争时,安理会首要关切的事是尽快使战争停止。 |
| 8. | Under the charter, all members of the united nations agree to accept and carry out the decisions of the council . 根据宪章,联合国所有会员国同意接受并执行安理会的决定。 |
| 9. | The security council, the assembly stated, should consider effective, comprehensive sanctions against south africa . 大会声明,安理会应当考虑对南非采取有效的全面的制裁。 |