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English translation for "安徽科技"

anhui science & technology

Related Translations:
安徽:  anhui (province)◇安徽大鼓 anhui dagu
安徽高等院校:  universities in anhui
安徽大厦:  anhui tower
安徽地质:  geology of anhui
安徽农业大学:  agricultural university of anhui
安徽史学:  historiography research in anhui
安徽医学院:  anhui medical college
安徽大学:  anhui university (hefei)university of anhui
安徽城市:  cities in anhui
安徽合肥:  hefei
Example Sentences:
1.Journal of anhui science and technology university
2.This algorithm was applied in the administrative system of testing arrangement in anhui science and technology university , and it satisfied the requirement well
3.Every child that is born into his group will share them with him , and no child born into one on the other side of the globe can ever achive the thousandth part
诞生在这一群人里的每一个小孩与他有着相同的习惯,而生在地球另一边的社团的小孩则决不可能有哪怕很小部分的相象(你用的是安徽科技版吧? )
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