| 1. | The art of war is an important military affairs work by sun wu 《孙子兵法》是孙武的一部重要军事著作。 |
| 2. | A new story of sun wu ' s native place 孙武故里新说 |
| 3. | But sun wu rejected the pleading 但孙武拒绝了。 |
| 4. | In shouguangm , home to vegetables , we witnessed an interesting vegetable auction 走进孙武祠,了解齐笔制作,模仿吕剧。 |
| 5. | Sun wu ' s military thought has a great significance to the future high - tech war 孙武的备战思想对未来高科技战争仍然有着重要的指导作用。 |
| 6. | From how sun wu repeated his orders comes the idiom " repeating an order time and again " 而成语“三令五申”就是由孙武反复说明他的命令而来。 |
| 7. | Then the king called in one hundred and eighty maids of honor and ordered sun wu to train them 于是吴王召来一百八十名宫女,命令孙武来训练她们。 |
| 8. | In spite of this , sun wu explained to them in great detail now to march in the four directions 但是,孙武还是把这些详详细细地向她们解释了一遍。 |
| 9. | Now , sun wu asked these women , " do you know how to march forward , backward , to the left and to the right ? 接着,孙武问她们: “你们知道如何向前、向后、朝左、朝右吗? ” |
| 10. | The war preparation thought , " preparations first and then war " , is the summary of the thought of " winning first " , and is the sun wu ' s quintessence of preparing for attacking too 孙武“先胜而后求战”的备战思想,是对战争准备的深刻揭示,是“先胜”思想的总结,也是孙武备战思想的精华。 |